Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Collection Product Guide
Case Queues

Case queues promote organization and management of service ticket tasks. Tasks are configured to be automatically assigned to a case queue when they are ready to be worked. Queuing facilitates:

To access all case queues, navigate to System Management > CollectionCase Queues.

While working a queue, the user works the first task in the queue to completion, then they are automatically directed to the remaining tasks in that ticket before getting the next task from the queue. Once all tasks within a single ticket that the user has access to are completed, the next task in the queue is retrieved.

The following columns display on the Case Queues page:

Column Name Description
Name The name of the Case Queue.
Description The description of the Queue. This also appears to the end user accessing the queue.
Department The department associated to the Case Queue.
Users The number of users assigned to the Queue.
Security Groups The number of security groups assigned to the Queue.
Last Modified Denotes when the last modification was made to the Queue.
Modified By Denotes who made the last modification to the Queue.

From the Case Queues page, administrators can create queues, copy queues, edit queues, and delete queues.

Queue Attributes

All case queues share common attributes that are defined while creating, copying, or editing a queue.


The general attributes include basic information pertaining to the case queue. 

General attributes are located within the General Tab:

Attribute Description
Name Provide a unique name for the case queue. This is a required field.
Description Provide details about the case queue. Although descriptions are not required, they appear within queues list to provide users with more detail when they work a case queue.
Department Select a department from the drop-down; this is used for SLA reporting. No Department is pre-populated.


Security attributes allow administrators to control which users and groups have access to work a case queue.

Security attributes are located within the Security Tab:

Attribute Description
Assign Users Select users from the Available Users list and move them to the Assigned Users to provide users access to the case queue from the Queues icon in the Ribbon Bar.
Assign Groups Select groups from the Available Groups list and move them to the Assigned Groups to provide groups access to the case queue.

For information about assigning a task to a queue during configuration an assigning escalation schedules. Please see the Case Tasks topic in this guide.

ShowCreating a Queue

The Create function enables administrators to create a new case queue.

To create a new Case Queue, click .

The New Queue screen appears. Navigate through the General and Security tabs to update attributes.

When finished entering all the information, click  to create the new queue and return to the Case Queues page. The new case queue populates in the grid and can be worked by users with allocated permissions. 

ShowCopying a Queue

The Copy function enables administrators to copy an existing case queue. The copied queue can be used as the foundation for a new queue.

ShowEditing a Queue

The Edit function enables administrators to edit an existing queue attributes.

ShowDeleting a Queue

The Delete function enables administrators to remove an existing case queue.

Task Queues that have tasks still remaining in them cannot be deleted. Task Queues that also have a Case Type assigned to it cannot be deleted. Error messages appear if an attempt is made to delete a Task Queue with these features assigned to it.



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